basato su 33 recensioni pubblicate

Ultime recensioni negative dei clienti

Funziona molto male il tablet impiega 5 minuti per accendersi la funzione di posa non funziona e la batteria dura 1/2 giorni
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Jean Bernard (acheteur vérifié)
a seguito di un acquisto del 09/06/2022 
Recensione tradotta
Risposta di ePack Hygiene
Hello Sir, thank you for sharing your opinion with us. We are sorry to read about the problems you encountered. We have informed the technical service who indicated that they had done what was necessary, we are all completely satisfied, you by your operational tool and us for this incident solved.
At any time, 6 days a week, we remain at your disposal for the slightest detail: 02 29 62 64 40.
The ePack Hygiene team